Where can I find prison policies?
Public release of policies strengthen accountability of government agencies. However, unlike some other states (including NSW) the South Australian Department for Correctional Services do not release their policies to the public. This secrecy helps them avoid accountability to the public, including the people they take responsibility for.
As a point of interest, the New South Wales Parliament introduced laws in 2009 called the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) – also known as the GIPA Act – to force government agencies to proactively provide public access to their policies.
If you want to obtain specific policies relevant to the running of South Australian prisons you may apply in writing to Correctional Services or make an application for them under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA). In the past, Correctional Services usually refuse to provide policy in response to a written (administrative) request. Therefore, Freedom of Information processes are often required. Further information will be posted here soon to assist in understanding the Freedom of Information process.
Contact us for further info…
Crim Nation, South Australia – Prison Reform Advocate